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     As a Supervisor, I provide one-to-one supervision and consultation for counsellors, therapists, psychologists and other ‘people practitioners’ seeking a committed, collaborative and creative approach to supporting and developing their work with clients, patients and service-users.

Supervising a diverse range of practitioners, I supervise trainee counsellors and therapists, also providing professional supervision for supervisors.

The Seven Eyed Model of Supervision


Eye 1: Focus on the client

          The supervisor getting an understanding of who this client is and who they are. Starting in supervision by asking the question, who is this client?

Eye 2: Focus on the strategies and interventions used by the supervisee

          The supervisor focusing in on the intervention's that the supervisee's made in work with their clients, how and why they made them, what interventions they would rather have made and the potential future interventions. The supervisor gaining insight into how the supervisee works with the client.

Eye 3: Focus on the client- supervisee relationship

          Supervision focuses on the conscious and unconscious interaction between the supervisee and the client. The supervisor looking out for any unconscious processes that may be present. 


Eye 4: Focus on the supervisee

          The Supervisor asking question's: how are you feeling after your meeting with this client? In what ways is this client like you and in what ways is it different from you? And what do you find difficult and challenging about this client? these question's looking to unpack possible transference and counter-transference's happening in the counselling room with supervisee's client's. 

Eye 5: Focus on the supervisory relationship

          The supervisor focusing on any barriers, working with supervisee's fears, possible dual relationships, any contracting needs the supervisee may have.

Eye 6: The supervisor focusing on their own process

          Focus is on the supervisor's own process. The idea here is for the supervisor to focus on what's going on for them.


Eye 7: Focus on the wider contexts in which the work happens

          Focus is on external factors, the idea is to explore the supervisee, what is happening externally around client supervisee and organisation, what is happening externally?


Online & Telephone Counsellor
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